Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Gov. Pawlenty and legislative leaders met behind closed doors today but there’s little to report. DFLers say Gov. Pawlenty needs to support $1 billion in “ongoing revenue” in order to get the budget deal done. Pawlenty said no way, no how. He prefers his latest offer which borrows $500 million, delays payments to schools and…
Democrats in the Legislature are moving on three tracks to finish on time. Override Gov. Pawlenty’s veto of a tax bill, pass budget bills with a placeholder of $1 billion in unspecified revenue and pass a “lights on” bill. They are also aiming to pass the remainder of their budget bills as early as today.…
Democrat Al Franken’s campaign posted his brief with the MN Supreme Court. He’s asking the court to require Gov. Pawlenty to issue the election certificate promptly once the trial is over. Here’s the brief.
The final week of the Legislative session is underway with no agreement in sight for erasing the state’s $4.6 billion budget deficit. But Governor Tim Pawlenty tried to jump start the negotiations today (Monday) by partially pulling back on one of his key budget provisions, and agreeing to two others offered by Democrats. The Republican…
Now what? Gov. Pawlenty vetoed a $1 billion tax bill over the weekend. He took the action just hours after the Legislature passed the measure. So here’s where things stand. DFLers in control of the Legislature could try to override the veto. Republicans say it won’t happen. Democrats will also point out that they need…
Now that Gov. Pawlenty vetoed a $1 billion tax bill, budget negotiations are back at square one. Question of the Day: What’s next?
The Minnesota Senate passed the $1 billion tax bill tonight on a vote of 44 to 20. Senate Tax Chair Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, said voting to raise taxes is always hard. But he described the latest DFL plan as a much better option than the borrowing proposal in the governor’s budget. Bakk also said the…
Gov. Tim Pawlenty unleashed his veto pen tonight and rejected a bill aimed at protecting dogs from the dangers of cocoa bean mulch. The bill would have required retailers to post warning signs near the product in their stores. Cocoa bean mulch can be deadly when consumed by dogs. In his veto letter, Pawlenty said…
The Minnesota House passed a new $1 billion tax increase bill tonight on a vote of 86 to 45. A similar result is expected in the Senate, even though Governor Tim Pawlenty is promising a quick veto of the bill. Under the DFL-backed measure, income taxes would increase for married couple making more than $250,000.…
A revamped Tax bill heads to the House and Senate today after a conference committee introduced and passed the bill early this morning. The plan creates a new income tax bracket for wealthier Minnesotans, raises taxes on alcohol and creates a surcharge on high interest loans. The money is dedicated for early childhood and K12…