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The Daily Digest: 5-8-09

A revamped Tax bill heads to the House and Senate today after a conference committee introduced and passed the bill early this morning. The plan creates a new income tax bracket for wealthier Minnesotans, raises taxes on alcohol and creates a surcharge on high interest loans. The money is dedicated for early childhood and K12 schools, nursing homes and hospitals. MPR, AP and Forum Communications have stories.

Gov. Pawlenty vetoed his first bill of the year. It derailed the St. Paul ice rink.

He also line-item vetoed $15 million from the Environment and Natural Resources budget bill.

Gov. Pawlenty signed a bill that adds adults to Minnesota's missing child law.

A Minnesota legislator wants voters to decide whether the moratorium on nuclear power should be lifted.

The Legislature is considering a program that would jumpstart some construction projects.

Lawmakers want to keep government funded jobs local.

The two chambers also passed a bill that would put limits on a researchers' use of mentally ill patients.

Officials with the U of M say they're preparing for future budget cuts.

Minnesota moves one step closer to transparent ticket sales.


GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's plan to forbid taxpayer funding from going to ACORN is derailed.

Bachmann and GOP Rep. John Kline are disappointed in President Obama's downplayed prayer day.

Bachmann and Kline also support a bill recognizing "the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage."

Rochester area officials are quietly crafting a plan for a high-speed rail route in the area. DFL Rep. Tim Walz is mentioned.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen talked about his recent trip to Yemen.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum introduces a bill that authorizes foreign assistance funding to prevent child marriage across the globe.

The chair of United Airlines said lawmakers, like DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar, should resist protectionism in the airline market.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Democrat Al Franken spoke at the Olmsted County DFL dinner.

CQ talks to a few Republicans in Minnesota who say Pawlenty will protect Coleman. What did you expect them to say?