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The Daily Digest: 5-12-09

Democrats in the Legislature are moving on three tracks to finish on time. Override Gov. Pawlenty's veto of a tax bill, pass budget bills with a placeholder of $1 billion in unspecified revenue and pass a "lights on" bill. They are also aiming to pass the remainder of their budget bills as early as today. MPR has the story.

The House and Senate are sending Governor Pawlenty a HHS bill that faces a questionable future.

They also flat out rejected Governor Pawlenty's latest budget offer.

Minnesota raked in $24 million less than expected in April.

Hundreds rallied at the State Capitol for tax hikes.

Supporters of Education funding will hold a mock bake sale today to call for increased school funding.

The Minnesota Senate passed a $100 million bill to provide loan guarantees to launch private construction projects across the state.

The fight over cabin property tax money is back at the Capitol.

Ignition locks for repeat drunk drivers will go statewide this summer.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Democrat Al Franken files his brief in the Senate recount trial. He said he won the race and wants the court to order Gov. Pawlenty to issue the election certificate. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP and the Pi Press have stories.

RNC Chair Michael Steele replied "Hell no" when asked if Republican Norm Coleman should concede.


The White House says the budget deficit is $1.8 trillion.

President Obama praises the health care industry for promising health cuts.

The White House says 750,000 jobs will be saved or created by the stimulus.

An AP analysis found that states are planning to spend 50 percent more per person in areas with the lowest unemployment than it will in communities with the highest. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar said he believes the Obama Administration oversold the transportation aspect of the stimulus.

The top American commander in Afghanistan was forced out Monday to bring a shake-up in the war there.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar said she's pleased journalist Roxana Saberi has been released.

Klobuchar also attends "The Ultimate Women's Power Lunch" in Chicago.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz and DFL Rep. Collin Peterson support a proposal that would require an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. GOP Rep. John Kline, GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen and GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann also support the bill.

Walz also requested funding for the Hwy 14 expansion.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen will deliver the commencement address at St. Olaf's graduation.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann wonders whether the states are next in line for a bailout.

2010 Race for Congress

ECM interviews Democrat El Tinklenberg and Democrat Maureen Reed. Both are hoping to challenge GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.