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The Daily Digest: 5-14-09

MPR has found that the state employee workforce has grown despite a hiring freeze. Gov. Pawlenty has directed Finance officials to review the policies outlined in the freeze as a result of the analysis.

Gov. Pawlenty now has to sign or veto a slate of budget bills that includes a $3 billion hole. The Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP and Forum Communications have stories.

A KSTP/Survey USA poll finds that a mix of gambling revenue and spending cuts are the most popular budget fix. The Legislature doesn't get high marks either.

State schools are spared deep cuts in the bill that passed the House and Senate.

New teacher lay-offs may have a broader impact on young teachers.

The House and Senate also agreed on a $300 million bonding bill. It includes $3 million for St. Cloud's Civic Center.

The Legislative Auditor says Capitol Security needs to be improved. The Pi Press, the Star Tribune and KARE have stories.

He also said the Attorney General's new security doors are ok.

HCMC is set to cut up to 100 jobs.

Lawmakers and the U of M are still quibbling over booze sales at the new football stadium.

Critics argue new ballast water permits are inadequate.

Instant Runoff Voting gets a Supreme Court hearing.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The FBI inquiry into Republican Norm Coleman is reportedly expanding. The Pi Press and the Huffington Post have stories.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invokes Democrat Al Franken's name in a threat to the Senate GOP.

A KSTP/Survey poll said 70 percent of those polled believe Coleman should concede if the MN Supremes declare Franken the winner. I'm looking for links - send them my way if you find them.


AP says President Obama is considering six for the Supreme Court job.

Obama also prohibits the release of detainee abuse photos.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will take up health care by mid July.

Hospitality leaders ask Congress to criticize less. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned. They also pushed back on business travel.

A report finds that GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen paid his wife with campaign funds.

The Star Tribune reports on Paulsen's payment to his wife and adds that DFL Rep. Keith Ellison, DFL Rep. Collin Peterson and DFL Rep. Tim Walz also have given campaign funds to family members.

Paulsen also blogs about his plan to release funds from the nuclear waste fund as rebates.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar urges higher aviation excise taxes.


The KSTP/Survey USA poll says 57% of those polled don't think Governor Pawlenty should run for a third term. Again, if you find the link send it along.