Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Gov. Pawlenty continued his media blitz on Sunday. He appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning. He later appeared on WCCO’s Sunday Morning. You can watch that appearance here.
DFL state Sen. Tom Bakk of Cook is now an official candidate for Governor. Bakk told he Mesabi Daily News that he’s going to focus his campaign on job creation. Bakk, who will be 55 on Monday, calls himself a “good old-fashioned jobs-Democrat.” He said his campaign for the DFL nomination for governor in the…
AP takes a look at who Gov. Pawlenty has been talking with during his visit to Washington D.C. Meanwhile, The Fix ranks Gov. Pawlenty #7 in its Top GOP leaders: 7. Tim Pawlenty: Pawlenty’s decision not to run for a third term allows him the freedom and the time he will need to raise his…
Former GOP state Rep. Bill Haas says he will officially announce his run for governor on Wednesday (although I guess he kind of officially announced it today with his press release). Haas was elected to the House in 1994 and served until 2004. He was mayor of Champlin from 1984 to 1992. Here’s what he…
Here’s a list of who’s on the weekend shows. Note (Gov. Pawlenty will make an appearance on one of the shows). TPT’s Almanac: This week on Almanac we’ll visit with Craig Edwards about the current drought situation in Minnesota and get a wet weekend forecast. Mike Osterholm from the U of M’s Center for Infectious…
There has been plenty of discussion about whether Gov. Pawlenty will make a run for the White House in 2012. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, a Democrat, doesn’t seem to concerned. On Fox Business this morning, Rybak said Pawlenty will “get his butt kicked by Barack Obama.” Rybak also sidestepped a question on whether he’ll run…
Gov. Pawlenty just talked with CBS’ Bob Schieffer about his decision to not seek reelection, his political future and the problems with the Republican Party. You can watch it here: NOTE: I’m just adding the link to the video since the embed player automatically starts up and is annoying.
Gov. Pawlenty is headed to Washington D.C. today. He’ll be on a webchat at 1 PM CST with CBS. Later tonight, he’ll speak to a group of College Republicans. MPR’s Midmorning talks with former John McCain adviser and MN GOP Chair Chris Georgacas about Pawlenty’s chances and the GOP in general at 9AM. UPDATE: Pawlenty…
The fist step in the unallotment process has been taken. Minnesota’s top finance official notifies Gov. Pawlenty that the conditions exist for him to balance the budget on his own. MPR, AP and the Pi Press have stories. Minnesota lawmakers trumpet incentives to invest in solar power. New mining opportunities in northern Minnesota cause some…