Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The state is pursuing more tax scofflaws. Minnesota regulators drop the push to block online gambling. Minnesota cops will start pulling over and fining unbelted drivers today. The Midwestern Governors group sets greenhouse gas goals. North Dakota’s Industrial Commission has invited Minnesota legislators to see what power companies in the state are doing to cut…
DFL state Sen Tom Bakk officially entered the race for governor over the weekend. I talked with him about his message to voters, whether he would abide by the endorsement and other campaign matters. You can listen to the interview here:
The Minnesota Environmental Partnership is hosting a gathering of gubernatorial and possible gubernatorial hopefuls on Thursday night. The group invited both GOP and DFL candidates. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman weren’t invited since they are running for mayor of their respective cities this year. GOP Rep. Laura Brod is also…
Former State Auditor (and possible GOP candidate for governor) Pat Anderson reports on her Facebook page that she has swine flu. I posted her entries chronologically. “Pat Anderson Gallwas and her 16 year old daughter (name redacted by me) were diagnosed with “Swine Flu” a few hours ago. Not kidding. Apparently it’s going around MN…
Pawlenty: Rybak “trash talking”
On Friday, I wrote about Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak saying on Fox Business Network that Gov. Pawlenty (a Republican) would “get his butt kicked by Barack Obama” if Pawlenty decided to run for president. Pawlenty appeared on Fox Business Network today and was asked about Rybak’s comments. You can watch Pawlenty’s response here.
Now that the legislative session has ended, the caucuses are making fundraising pushes to gear up for the 2010 election. House DFLers and Senate Republcans have sent out fundraising soliciations for this month. House DFLers will hold their fundraiser on June 15th: Please Join Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher Majority Leader Tony Sertich And the Members…
Gov. Pawlenty ended the first phase of his “I’m not sure what I’m going to do in the future” campaign in Minnesota. After talking with several GOP groups in D.C. on Friday, Pawlenty stayed closer to home on Sunday. He delivered the same message on C-SPAN and WCCO. The Pi Press, The Hotline and MinnPost…
Stu Rothenberg says Gov. Pawlenty’s decision to not run for a third term means the state is now a toss-up.
USA Today is reporting that “about” twenty transportation groups helped raise money for a professorship at the University of St. Thomas in honor of DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar. Here are the details: In Minnesota, transportation groups are among the donors to a law school professorship named for Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minn., chairman of the House…