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The Daily Digest: 6-5-09

The fist step in the unallotment process has been taken. Minnesota's top finance official notifies Gov. Pawlenty that the conditions exist for him to balance the budget on his own. MPR, AP and the Pi Press have stories.

Minnesota lawmakers trumpet incentives to invest in solar power.

New mining opportunities in northern Minnesota cause some environmental concerns.

Former U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton writes an op-ed on school testing.

DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher will be on MPR's Midday at 11.


Kelliher is one of three DFLers (Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman are the others) who now say they're thinking about a run for governor. Two more Republicans (businessman Brian Sullivan and state Sen. Paul Koering) say they're also thinking about a run for gov.

Get the checklist of candidates interested in running here.


DFL Rep. Keith Ellison praises President Obama's speech on Islam.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Obama's Supreme Court pick Sonia Sotomayor talk about the judiciary.

Klobuchar also disagrees with DFL Rep. Tim Walz that Guantanamo Bay detainees could be housed in Minnesota.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be in Minneapolis on Sunday to raise money for DFL Rep. Tim Walz. She'll also make a visit to the American Indian Opportunities Industrialization Center to see how the federal stimulus money is working.

President Obama selects B. Todd Jones to be Minnesota's U.S. Attorney.

The Hill says Republicans revealed briefing info. GOP Rep. John Kline is mentioned.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann introduces a new bill aimed at ACORN.

Pelosi has now backed off an ultimatum on climate change legislation. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar says there will be no extension of the highway bill.

Opponents file a civil rights complaint against Central Corridor.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Republican Norm Coleman will take a wait and see approach to his future (political and possible federal appeals). He spoke to a conservative group in St. Louis.

Listen to Coleman's comments to reporters here.

Roll Call reports that Coleman would likely give up his fight if the court rejects his appeal.

The NRSC now says it's leaving the decision up to Minnesotans.


Gov. Pawlenty will speak with CBS' Bob Schieffer at 2pm Eastern in a webchat.

He's in Washington D.C. today to speak to a convention of the College Republican National Committee on Friday night.

Nate Silver handicaps Pawlenty's chances.

MPR's Midmorning talks with former John McCain adviser and MN GOP Chair Chris Georgacas about Pawlenty's chances and the GOP in general.