Capitol View®

For your viewing pleasure…

Here's a list of who's on the weekend shows. Note (Gov. Pawlenty will make an appearance on one of the shows).

TPT's Almanac:

This week on Almanac we'll visit with Craig Edwards about the current drought situation in Minnesota and get a wet weekend forecast. Mike Osterholm from the U of M's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy gives us an update on the H1N1 flu virus worldwide and here in Minnesota. Mary Lahammer brings us the latest on the 2010 Governor's Race. And we'll recap the week's news from the U. S. Senate race with Rachel Stassen-Berger with the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Star Tribune's Pat Doyle and MinnPost's Jay Weiner.

WCCO's Sunday Morning:

Gov. Pawlenty, Larry Jacobs, Michelle Silverman of Free Arts Minnesota (Recently, kids created Andy Warhol-inspired prints of their favorite Twins players for the benefit of at risk children), and Daniel Lager (Feature Artist at the Edina Art Fair - painting The Table used for this year's poster).

KSTP's At Issue:

They didn't get back to me.

Cathie Hartnett, Annette Meeks and Dave Thompson will discuss the race for governor and predictions on what the MN Supreme Court will do with the Coleman/Franken race.

On the national scene...

ABC's THIS WEEK WITH GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS - Topics: Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

C-SPAN's NEWSMAKERS - Interview with Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.

CBS' FACE THE NATION WITH BOB SCHIEFFER - Topics: Guantanamo Bay, Sotomayor nomination, Obama's trip, with White House Adviser David Axelrod and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

CNN's STATE OF THE UNION WITH JOHN KING - Topics: Obama's trip, Sotomayor nomination, GM's future, with White House Adviser David Axelrod; economy, with Spring Hill, Tenn. Mayor Michael Dinwiddie, and Flint, Mich. Mayor Michael Brown.

FOX NEWS SUNDAY - Topics: economic recovery, with White House Council of Economic Advisers member Austan Goolsbee, Sen. Richard Sheldy, R-Ala., google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Chairman Fred Malek of Thayer Capital Partners; digital age, with Acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps.

NBC's MEET THE PRESS - Pre-empted, due to coverage of the French Open.