Politics and Government News

Stay updated with the latest political and government news. MPR News covers local, state and national politics, providing in-depth analysis and updates on policies, elections and governmental actions.

Former President Obama tells his story his way — and makes his case for history
Former President Barack Obama's ascent thrilled millions but also stirred a countermovement that is still on the march. His new memoir, “A Promised Land,” covers his rise through the second year of his presidency.
Biden moves forward without help from Trump's intel team
President-elect Joe Biden says he’s not worried that President Donald Trump has broken with tradition by not letting him read the ultra-secret daily brief containing the nation’s most sensitive intelligence before inauguration. Biden says he can't make national security decisions yet anyway so he doesn't need it.
The census is not over: What's ahead during the Biden transition
The legal fight continues over whether President Donald Trump can alter numbers that set up the next Electoral College map, and there's a question of whether Congress will give more time for quality checks.
‘Dude, you’re winning’: In divided St. Cloud district, candidates for MN Senate experience bumpy election ride
In central Minnesota, two candidates running for the Minnesota Senate in a politically divided district experienced a tumultuous ride as they waited on their race results.