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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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Report pushes for more EPA regulations of carbon capture projects
As more places, including ours, pursue carbon capture projects, what rules and monitoring mechanisms need to be in place to make sure things work as intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Data confirm trend of warming global temperatures in last ten years
Last year was by far the warmest year on record globally. NOAA, NASA, and European datasets all confirm the numbers. That means the 10 warmest years on record globally are the past 10 years. How do climate scientists explain this unprecedented warming trend?
Minneapolis looks to fund climate action through minor hike in gas and energy bills
Anyone getting gas and electricity service in Minneapolis will see an estimated one dollar increase in their bills come next year. It’s a part of the city’s Climate Legacy Initiative and officials say it will raise an additional $10 million each year starting in 2024 for climate action.
St. John's student reflects on experience at COP28
A group of 20 students from the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University got to observe the heated discussions about climate change and fossil fuels at COP28. Finn Dolezal was a part of that group and he shared more about his time in Dubai.
U of M scientist advocates for developing countries at global climate summit
On the first day of the 28th United Nations climate change conference, known as COP28, global leaders agreed to operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund established at last year’s conference. Nfamara Dampha, a research scientist at the University of Minnesota is taking part in these discussions as a party delegate for the Gambia at COP28.
U.S. report includes calls for Indigenous leadership and self-determination to fight climate change
The Indigenous peoples chapter of the latest National Climate Assessment lays out the specific ways climate change affects indigenous communities — and why indigenous leadership and self-determination are essential for addressing the climate crisis.
Minnesota initiative looks to boost production of sustainable aviation fuel
10 percent of U.S. transportation greenhouse gas emissions come from plane travel. But a first-of-its kind initiative is looking to slash those numbers by creating a hub to scale the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
Groups call for greater federal oversight of insurance industry amidst climate change impacts
Several groups call on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the Financial Stability Oversight Council to provide greater federal oversight of the insurance industry in light of soaring disaster costs.