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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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Climate denialism mapped to geography and political affiliation
A recent study shows nearly 15 percent of Americans “do not believe in climate change.” And the patterns of denialism can be linked to regional and political differences.
New study shows climate change is already affecting food prices
Increasing global average temperatures and more intense and frequent heat waves are already driving up the prices of food and other goods. So just how much is climate change affecting inflation?
Ocean temperatures are the hottest they’ve been. What could it mean for our climate?
Earth’s oceans have been reaching record-warm temperatures. Every day for the last 12 months. What is happening? How much is climate change driving the temperature spike? And how concerned are climate scientists?
Forecasting a record-breaking winter
Minnesota’s warmest winter on record was literally off the charts in several metrics. Just how unique was this winter? And how is our shifting climate impacting our daily weather forecasts?
What an unseasonably warm winter will mean for farmers this year
The warmest winter on record has also brought some of the lowest snow cover on record to much of Minnesota. What does the lack of snow mean for Minnesota’s soils and farmers this year?
Super current El Niño and climate change hit the Galapagos Islands
Locals in the Galapagos say climate change and the current Super El Niño could be affecting the marine life and climate there. MPR meteorologist Sven Sundgaard just returned from the islands on a trip where he got a first-hand look at what’s happening.
New ‘green bank’ for climate projects set to launch this year
The Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority will distribute funding for green energy and other climate-friendly projects. The first projects from the $45 million pool could be funded early this summer.