North Star Journey

North Star Journey is a celebration of communities in Minnesota and the champions who are doing the work that we should be bringing a voice to. We hope to bring new understandings of our state and what brought us to today. About | Credits

MPR News also hosts North Star Journey Live, an event series discussing topics about what Minnesota’s diverse communities need to thrive. Check it out here.

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Voices across time: Theater Mu ignites intergenerational conversation
Theater Mu is hosting the AAPI Generations Conference, an event celebrating 30 years of fostering Asian American and Pacific Islander theater, promoting intergenerational dialogues, and encouraging inclusive participation.
When fufu is a taste of love and a taste of home
For the 14,000 Nigerians who now live in Minnesota fufu is a west African taste of home. Uche Iroegbu who arrived in Minnesota some years ago now fully understands its importance.
World-class conductor now making beer for a cause
William Eddins’ music career has taken him around the world as an orchestra conductor. Now he hopes to support music education for young people in the Twin Cities with his St. Paul brewery MetroNOME. MPR News guest host Euan Kerr talks with Eddins about music, beer and the brewery’s mission.
How mental health programs focused on cultural identity are helping Minnesota students
The pandemic took a toll on students’ mental health. But not every student was affected in the same way. One program in Minnesota is working to provide culturally-specific mental health care from inside schools which are becoming increasingly racially and ethnically diverse.
'They all matter': St. Cloud high school dance team builds connections
Shana Black, coach of the Apollo Majorettes, welcomes all students regardless of experience. Her goal is to create an inclusive, supportive team where all students feel like they belong.
Advocating for sexual assault survivors
People who have been sexually assaulted are often not believed and their cases are likely not prosecuted. MPR News host Angela Davis talks with author and sexual assault survivor Roxane Gay and Artika Roller, executive director of the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault about how to prevent sexual violence and support survivors.  
Building back north: Meet the people working to change the fortunes of north Minneapolis
A corps of professionals, many of whom are African Americans with ties to north Minneapolis, plans to invest and build in racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods that have long struggled with cycles of economic boom and bust.