Today's Question Blog

When are you willing to pay more for a product made in Minnesota?
Minnesota boutique bike makers have been building for years on a small scale and charging a hefty price. One local parts maker and distributor, though, has plans to get bigger, make money and ship globally while still keeping his bike building operation home-grown. “We believe that we can start manufacturing bikes right here in Minnesota.… Photo by Robert Pollack via Flickr “When the Legislature passed a $485 million increase in school spending over the next two years, DFL lawmakers described the 2013 education bill as one of the best ever,” writes MPR News reporter Tim Pugmire. “They also predicted the new money would turn the school-financing tide of the…
“The Rock N Roll McDonald’s is a flagship McDonald’s restaurant located in Chicago, Illinois.” Photo by John Williams via Flickr Fast-food workers in Milwaukee are planning to strike today to protest low wages. The median wage for a fast food worker is $9.05 an hour, protesters in New York, Detroit, St. Louis, Kansas City and…
Are you personally affected by same-sex couples being able to get married?
After some epic political battles, same-sex couples will be able to marry legally in Minnesota starting at midnight tonight. “For some, it’s the culmination of years of waiting or fighting for marriage equality. For others, it’s a milestone they thought would never arrive,” writes MPR News reporter Jon Collins. “Minnesota became the 12th state to…
Would you drink a glass of juice made from genetically modified oranges?
A disease known as citrus greening has devastated the orange crop in Florida. Thousands of trees with the disease have been cut down and pesticides have been sprayed to kill the bug that carries the disease. “But the contagion could not be contained,” writes New York Times reporter Amy Harmon. “Oranges are not the only…
What’s your reaction to Pope Francis saying he won’t judge gay priests?
ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRCRAFT (AP) – Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn’t judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am…
How should marijuana be regulated in Minnesota?
Law enforcement officials and Governor Mark Dayton have expressed opposition to relaxing Minnesota’s marijuana laws, but “a bipartisan group of state lawmakers aims to pass a law next year that would allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to patients with debilitating ailments,” writes MPR News reporter Tim Pugmire. “State Rep. Carly Melin, the bill’s chief sponsor…
How do you get to work?
“More than ever, Americans are getting to work by driving alone,” writes NPR’s Shiva Koohi. As the graph above shows, the share of Americans driving to work rose sharply in the second half of the 20th century, as the nation became more suburban. The rate has been flat for the past few decades — but…
Should Lynn Rogers be allowed to continue his work with Minnesota bears?
“Black bear researcher Lynn Rogers has filed suit against the DNR. He’s asking a judge in Ramsey County District Court to issue a temporary restraining order to keep the agency from forcing him to remove collars on about a dozen bears he’s researching,” writes MPR News reporter Stephanie Hemphill. The DNR has repeatedly told Rogers…
Does writing quality suffer when use of the Internet and mobile technology increases?
“I think they have sloppy habits of mind, and I think that the Internet feeds into that.” – Mara Corey, Irondale High School teacher Most teachers, 68 percent, say use of the Internet and mobile technology leads students to take shortcuts in their writing, reports MPR News reporter Tim Post. A recent survey says social…