Today's Question Blog

Does your school district need more money?

Photo by Robert Pollack via Flickr

"When the Legislature passed a $485 million increase in school spending over the next two years, DFL lawmakers described the 2013 education bill as one of the best ever," writes MPR News reporter Tim Pugmire. "They also predicted the new money would turn the school-financing tide of the past decade."

But school districts across Minnesota are still planning to ask local taxpayers this fall for more money.

Democrats say the proposed operating levy votes show that districts are still in a catch-up mode after too many lean years. State Rep. Paul Marquart, chair of the House Education Finance Committee, said he's not surprised that some districts still need more.

"You know, we went 10 years where we were underfunding our schools, and even though this year's education finance bill was pretty significant, you don't make up in one year for 10 years of disinvestment," said Marquart, DFL-Dilworth.

Republicans say school districts wouldn't need so much money if the Legislature would stop micromanaging them.

Today's Question: Does your school district need more money?