Today's Question Blog

Environmentalists want Dayton to step in now. They say a report by the Minnesota DNR acknowledges that water quality treatment will be needed "indefinitely" after the mine closes to prevent water pollution from escaping.
Since the turn of the century, economists say workers' share of all income generated has declined significantly. In the four decades after WWII, the "labor share" averaged around 64 percent. But since 2000, it's been accelerating on a downward trajectory, and in recent years it hovered around 58 percent.
he majority opinion cited the law's "more than a few examples of inartful drafting," but added, "the context and structure of the Act compel us to depart from what would otherwise be the most natural reading of the pertinent statutory phrase."
A proposed rule published this spring by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission attempts to strike a balance between employers who want to use incentives to drive worker participation and consumer advocates who see penalties as de facto coercion. The plan drew about 300 comments from employers and consumer groups by a June 19 deadline, with plenty of criticism.
Should Lake Calhoun be renamed?
"While changing the name of a lake will not, in itself, bring an end to injustice," Minneapolis blogger and activist Mike Spangenberg wrote on, "it can and should be an important step in an ongoing effort to confront our nation's past and to end systemic racism and oppression today."