Today's Question Blog

What do you think of the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage?

Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry in all 50 states.

"States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. The ruling was made by a 5-4 decision," writes NPR's Bill Chappell.

The justices ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges, which is linked to three other cases. Together, they involve a dozen couples who challenged same-sex marriage bans in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee – the only states whose bans on marriage between gay and lesbian couples have been sustained by a federal appeals court.

The justices had been asked to decide whether the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to a) license same-sex marriages and b) recognize such unions that were made in other states.

Today's Question: What do you think of the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage?