Minnesota Housing News

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Bemidji touts quality of life — and a little cash — to recruit new residents
Bemidji is offering people $2,500 to relocate to the North Woods and bring their remote job with them. So far, more than 20 telecommuters have taken the city up on it, from the Twin Cities to as far away as Oregon and Arizona.
Walz declares ‘effective end’ to veteran homelessness in central Minn.
Minnesota’s governor cited efforts by state and local governments, nonprofits and landlords that help veterans overcome barriers to finding housing. He said the state is on track to become the fourth in the nation to eliminate veteran homelessness.
Democrats are seeking largest-ever investment in affordable housing
The biggest problem facing the housing market is that there just aren't enough homes for people to buy or rent. In the aftermath of the housing market collapse and financial crisis more than a decade ago, about half of home-building companies went out of business.
How Jacob Frey won reelection
Jacob Frey’s opponents identified their strategy to defeat the incumbent mayor: don’t rank him. But thousands of voters didn’t listen. Not only did Frey collect the most first-choice votes — 43 percent — but another 9 percent of voters ranked him as their second choice, and 7.5 percent as their third choice. The result: another term for Frey.
Renters' advocates cheer Twin Cities voters' approval of rent control measures
It’s now illegal in St. Paul for residential landlords to raise their rent by more than 3 percent a year, after voters on Tuesday approved a rent control measure that’s among the strictest in the country. By the same margin, Minneapolis voters approved a ballot question that opens the door to rent control in that city.
St. Paul, Minneapolis voters back rent control
Minneapolis voters on Tuesday gave the City Council the OK to put rent controls in place. St. Paul voters took it further, backing a ballot measure that will place a 3 percent cap annually on most rent increases.
What’s on the ballot: Rent control
Rent stabilization is on the ballot in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Guest host Chris Farrell talks with supporters and opponents of St. Paul’s proposed new ordinance — should residential rent increases be capped at 3 percent annually? If St. Paul becomes the first city in the country to stabilize rents this way, will other places follow suit?