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Reader suggestions: Books we should teach in schools
The decision to pull two books from reading lists for Duluth's high school students has sparked discussion about what literature should be required reading. We've compiled a list of books that MPR News readers said they'd recommend high school students be required to read.
Minnesotans share their stories of traveling for labor and delivery services
Since we launched a series of reports on rural maternity care, we've heard from many people across the state about their struggles finding a place to deliver their baby. Here are a few.
What should Minnesota do with its budget surplus?
As we reported on the show last week, state officials project Minnesota will have a $1.5 billion dollar budget surplus over the next two years. Now we're asking Minnesotans: What do you think we should DO with that surplus?
Video: Election Day 101
The midterm election is less than a week away. Are you sure you are ready to cast your ballot on Nov. 6? Watch this video before you head into the voting booth.
Video: What's a primary election?
Minnesota has an unusually long list of races on the primary ballot this year including governor, both U.S. Senate seats, all eight congressional seats, secretary of state, auditor and attorney general. Here's what you need to know before heading to the voting booth.
Go on, get your hands dirty: Your gardening questions, answered
Now that the sun has come out and most of the snow has finally melted, lots of Minnesotans are itching to get in the garden. Here are some of your gardening questions, answered.