Outside in MN

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A ruff month alone in the BWCA, Luigi the dog comes home
A big black dog who goes by the name of Luigi, returned home this week after spending a month in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The dog was separated from his owners during a portage near the Sawbill Trail.
After more than two years, Canada to resume remote border crossing program
A program that allows travelers to cross into certain remote parts of Canada could resume as soon as Friday. The permits will allow canoeists to cross the border from Minnesota into Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park for the first time in more than two years.
Holiday weekend campsites in short supply — but not entirely booked — at Minnesota state parks
If warmer weather in the forecast has you thinking about a spur-of-the-moment holiday weekend camping trip to a Minnesota state park, you're not completely out of luck — but you'll have to do some searching to find an open site.
Sharing what you see outside could help research. Here's how to do that in 3 steps
From the songs of sparrows outside your apartment window to the purple crocuses bursting into bloom in a nearby park – all that nature you're observing could actually be helpful to scientists. Here's a step-by-step guide to becoming a community scientist.