Outside in MN

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How will a warm winter affect spring fishing? What to know before the opener
The Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener is next Saturday. Did our unseasonably warm winter negatively affect fish, lakes and rivers? The answer is complicated.
Minnesota black bears are waking up early. Here’s how to keep the bears and yourself safe
Minnesota black bears are emerging from hibernation — and they’re ahead of schedule. So how can you keep the bears and yourself safe?
Tips to improve your chances of seeing the northern lights
Chances to spot the northern lights are strong Thursday night and early Friday morning. Here are a few tips on how to monitor conditions, and how to catch the extraterrestrial show.
A new camp makes the outdoors accessible for deaf, deafblind, hard-of-hearing kids
Wilderness Inquiry, a nonprofit that helps marginalized communities enjoy Minnesota's great outdoors, is now hosting programs and camps for people who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing.
'The most Midwestern thing ever': Last winter's snow is still around at Trollhaugen ski area
After piling up all of the snow at the end of last winter’s ski season, Trollhaugen ski area’s “snow scientists” kept it protected from summer temperatures as high as 98 degrees. That snow pile is still holding strong — and it’s ready to be uncovered.