Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

Addiction recovery organizations scramble to keep treating patients
As social distancing takes hold, along with the governor’s order to stay home, recovery organizations are racing to figure out how to keep treating patients during the coronavirus outbreak. Some places — from Hazelden Betty Ford to Alcoholics Anonymous — are moving their groups online. But others are still looking for how best to serve their clients.
Tips for staying resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic
Scared? Worried? Anxious? These are normal feelings during this terrifying moment. But now is not the time to neglect your mental health. Here’s how you can stay resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Therapists tap telehealth to connect with patients
Many mental health care providers have shut their doors to in-person visits to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Therapists and other providers have been forced to change the way they practice almost overnight.
As Minnesota recognizes PTSD in first responders, cities brace for rising costs
A growing number of states, including Minnesota, are acknowledging that responding to emergencies can have a lasting — and damaging — effect on people’s mental health. Thirty-five now let first responders claim workers’ comp for PTSD. But now, some cities are worried about how they’re going to pay for the care.