
Addiction medicine mostly prescribed to whites, even as opioid deaths rose in blacks
A study looked at who gets prescriptions for buprenorphine, and found that white patients are almost 35 times more likely to get the lifesaving addiction treatment than African Americans.
Think you need mental health care? Here's a place to start
Half of adults in the U.S. will experience a mental illness at some point in their life, but treatment options abound. Here are some tips for starting your journey toward better mental health.
Want to get started on your mental health? Start with your primary care doctor
"This is part of our training. We don't separate out mental health issues with the rest of the things that go on in our bodies," Dr. Jon Hallberg said.
'No visible bruises' upends stereotypes of abuse, sheds light on domestic violence
An average of four women are killed by their partners every day in America. Crisis center CEO Suzanne Dubus and writer Rachel Louise Snyder talk about how to help women leave abusive relationships.
Reporter's notebook: Another baby, another dramatic labor, two happy outcomes
Because the nearest hospital in Grand Marais had stopped deliveries, Yvette and Tamer Ibrahim endured a four-hour drive through a blizzard to a hospital in Duluth. For their second baby's birth, they devised a plan that would allow for a home birth in Duluth, a short drive from a fully equipped obstetrics unit. It didn't turn out that way.
Amid measles outbreaks, states consider revoking religious vaccine exemptions
More than 10 states are considering tightening their vaccine laws in response to what health officials say is the worst year for measles in 25 years. The bills are spurring passionate opposition.