
Minnesota winter blues: Tips to treat seasonal affective disorder
Winter blues are common, especially in Minnesota where for months it’s cold and dark. We tend to hibernate and crave carbohydrates. Our mood changes. These symptoms can be signs of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression. Craig Sawchuk, a psychologist at Mayo Clinic, shares tips on how to treat it.
Could sleep apnea be the reason you’re tired?
About 12 percent of people in the country have sleep apnea, but many of them are undiagnosed. If left untreated, it can lead to severe heart problems. A sleep expert joins the program and answers questions.
Over 65? Smoked even a little in your lifetime? You might want to get screened for this
If you’re male, between the ages of 65 and 75, and have smoked as few as five packs of cigarettes in your lifetime, a federal task force is now recommending you get screened to prevent an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Reduce health costs by nurturing the sickest? A much-touted idea disappoints
Matching the sickest patients with social workers and medical support doesn't reduce costly hospital readmissions, a study finds. Still, some believe greater social investment could make a difference.