
Seeking Connection
The special explores the relationship between loneliness, mental health and the power of social connections.    
Moderna's COVID vaccine gambit: Hike the price, offer free doses for uninsured
Once U.S. stockpiles of COVID-19 vaccine run out, Moderna says it might charge as much as $130 per dose, but give people who lack health insurance a break. Critics say that's not enough help.
Dayton calls Sanford, Fairview merger a 'betrayal’ unless U of M control stays in state
Former governors Mark Dayton and Tim Pawlenty told a state Senate hearing they had deep concerns about the University of Minnesota’s medical center in the hands of a company based outside the state.
5 Texas women denied abortions sue the state, saying the bans put them in danger
The lawsuit filed on behalf of five patients who said their lives were put at risk and two physicians asks a state judge to clarify exceptions for medical emergencies under Texas law.
Lawmakers question timeline, cost of U of M's nearly billion dollar plan to acquire Fairview facilities
The University recently revealed the estimated cost of the plan, $950 million. That includes $300 million to acquire the campus buildings, as well as funding for staff and other expenses. Meanwhile, Sanford and Fairview said in a letter that they support the U’s proposal, but want it to move forward with the companies’ merger.
Rural Minnesota child care shortage leaves parents with few choices
Despite years of campaigning for better child care, parents outside the Twin Cities metro area say they are left with few options. Businesses say they are feeling the impact too, as job applicants make choices based on care possibilities for their kids.
Frozen cells reveal a clue for a vaccine to block the deadly TB bug
Tuberculosis kills 1.6 million a year — the second deadliest infectious disease after COVID-19. Using immune cells and mRNA technology, scientists in South Africa are working on a new vaccine.
Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas
The last time this summit convened in 2018, the world was shocked to hear a scientist had created the first gene-edited babies. He was condemned, but gene-editing has continued, with some success.