Religion and Faith

Flynn spends last day on the job pushing for minimum wage hike
Archbishop Harry Flynn spent his last day as head of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis pushing for an increase in the state's minimum wage. Flynn is retiring as of today, which is his 75th birthday.
Faith and politics
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke strongly against his former pastor Jeremiah Wright. Eminent theologian and author Martin Marty talks about religion and presidential candidates.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaks out at the National Press Club
In a speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., the Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses his sermons, the black church and race in America, and he takes questions from the Washington press corps.
'The bin Ladens'
Two-time Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Steve Coll is out with a new book, "The bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in The American Century," which he discussed recently at the Commonwealth Club of California.
Pope Benedict speaks to Catholic educators
Pope Benedict is in New York City to address the United Nations this morning. Yesterday afternoon, he took time to speak to Catholic educators, including many presidents of Catholic colleges and universities. Father Dennis Dease, the president of the University of St. Thomas, was at the address.
The pope and the church in the U.S.
Pope Benedict XVI is visiting the United States for the first time as leader of the world's Roman Catholics. Midday explores the messages he plans to emphasize during his trip and the impact of his visit.
Dalai Lama in Rochester
The Dalai Lama will give a talk entitled, "compassion in Medicine" in Rochester today. He will also hold a panel discussion with the Mayo Clinic's CEO Glenn Forbes.