
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

Two canoeists missing in Boundary Waters after going over waterfall
Two canoeists are missing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness after two canoes went over a waterfall on Saturday evening between two large lakes along the Canadian border.
Anglers hope better stocking can revive Minnesota’s muskie fishing
Some anglers say Minnesota’s once-robust muskie fishery has declined in recent years, due to reduced stocking and increased pressure from anglers aided by the latest sonar technology.
DNR sets limit on diverting water from central Minnesota trout stream
It’s the first time the DNR has used the new regulatory tool, which the Legislature authorized in 2023. The move marks a significant development in how the DNR addresses increased groundwater use and potential depletion in parts of Minnesota.
10 years after Flint, the fight to replace lead pipes across U.S. continues
Ten years ago, Flint, Mich., switched water sources to the Flint River. The lack of corrosion control in the pipes caused lead to leach into the water supply of tens of thousands of residents.
State regulators launch big Mississippi water monitoring project
State regulators gathered at the Mississippi River on Earth Day to announce a big undertaking: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will test water along all 650 miles of the river within the state’s borders this year.
Expert: Large scale PFAS removal will take ingenuity, deep pockets
University of Minnesota Environmental Health Sciences Professor Matt Simcik and All Things Considered Host Tom Crann, discussed the new federal limits on PFAS chemicals in drinking water.
Study: Water clarity in lakes affecting loons’ success
A Chapman University biologist says his findings show reduced water clarity in Wisconsin lakes makes it more difficult for adult loons to hunt for food for their chicks in July, a critical growth period.
Health department says 22 Minnesota water systems have PFAS above new federal limits
For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency has set enforceable drinking water standards for six PFAS. Water systems will be required to monitor for the chemicals and remove them if they're above the allowable levels.