Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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BP's next try to stem oil gusher: Smaller tube
BP officials said Thursday they would thread a small tube into a jagged pipe on the seafloor to suck oil to the surface before it can spew into the Gulf and add to the disaster, which was apparently set in motion by a long list of equipment failures.
Political patience wanes as Gulf oil spill grows
Political patience was washing away for BP executives who can't stop a broken underwater well from spewing oil into the Gulf, where crews were trying the latest solution - submerging a second containment box designed to funnel the gusher to a waiting tanker.
Blame game begins in wake of Gulf oil spill
Executives of three companies, testifying before a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, wasted little time before trying to shift responsibility for the environmental crisis to each other.
BP preps second attempt to stop oil leak
Crews planned Sunday to park the giant oil containment box on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, and offload equipment that could be used in a new attempt to stem the flow of gushing into the sea.
Box to contain oil leak touches down on Gulf floor
A BP-chartered vessel lowered a 100-ton concrete-and-steel vault onto a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, an important step in a delicate and unprecedented attempt to stop most of the gushing crude fouling the sea.