Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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The power switch has been flipped on what will become the largest solar farm in Minnesota. The farm will cover the space of two and a-half football fields. And it's being built far from the farm fields, in fact right in downtown Minneapolis.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will auction 28 acres of woodland, ponds and wetland in Stillwater Thursday to help reduce the state budget.
5 states make final pitch in Asian carp case
Attorneys for and against closing Chicago-area shipping locks to stop the spread of Asian carp are making their final pitches to a federal judge.
Internal emails circulated by high-level University of Minnesota officials reveal the turmoil among staffers over the decision to cancel the 'Troubled Waters' documentary film.
Jayne Miller, the new superintendent of the Minneapolis Park system, is preparing to assume her new responsibilities in November. She'll oversee one of the largest park systems in the country with 182 park properties, including nearly 50 recreation centers.