Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

Deer research initiative to examine Wisconsin herd
The largest-ever deer research initiative in Wisconsin is underway -- a five-year effort to study survival rates of bucks and evaluate the impact of predators on deer populations. A team of scientists has been trapping, tagging and monitoring hundreds of deer in northwestern Wisconsin.
The signs of spring and the birds it brings
Bird expert Carrol Henderson joined All Things Considered host Tom Crann from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to give a status check on the activity of our feathered friends.
Budget-cutting fever puts ethanol subsidies at risk
As lawmakers look for places to cut spending, federal support for ethanol could become a tempting target. The U.S. Government Accountability Office says ethanol subsidies cost taxpayers billions of dollars and are not necessary.
Gov. Mark Dayton Thursday signed a bill designed to streamline the state's environmental review processes. Environmental groups say it's a sign that natural resource protections are being unraveled in the state.
Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill Thursday that streamlines the environmental review and permitting process for businesses in Minnesota.
Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota's 7th District joined two other House Democrats to sponsor a bill drafted by Republicans that bars the EPA from using federal law to control greenhouse gases from power plants, refineries and other industrial facilities.
Minnesota's legislative auditor says the state's environmental review and permitting processes are flawed, and in a report issued Tuesday offered some recommendations for improvement.
Can America kick its coal habit?
Midday presents a new American RadioWorks documentary, "Power and Smoke: A Nation Built on Coal." It looks at the roots of America's addiction to coal, and shows how our fuel choices changed American culture and history.