List of environmental projects that may be removed

The Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources -- the LCCMR -- advises the Legislature on how to invest proceeds from the state lottery, some of which is dedicated to the environment.

The commission had initially recommended more than 100 projects around the state. But on Monday, the group dropped 22 of them, and determined that three others should undergo more study, after two new legislative members said that the Legislature would reject some of those projects.

Monday night's action was not a final one. The commission needs a super-majority vote to forward the entire package to the Legislature, and they did not take that vote Monday night.

Here's a list of the 22 that would be dropped.

  1. Minnesota breeding bird atlas, phase III

  2. Golden eagle survey

  3. Groundwater sustainability assessment in the I-94 growth corridor

  4. Determination of phosphorus reduction from perpetual easements

  5. Prairie management for wildlife and bioenergy phase II

  6. Conserving prairie plant diversity and evaluating local adaptation

  7. Controlling encroachment of woody vegetation in grasslands

  8. St. Croix basin conservation planning and protection

  9. Assessment of tree retention forestry harvest guidelines

  10. Change and resilience in boreal forests in northern Minnesota

  11. Peatland carbon sequestration

  12. Assessment of changes in Minnesota's wilderness lakes

  13. Addressing ozone pollution in Minnesota

  14. Low environmental impact sustainable neighborhoods

  15. Optimizing biogas' role in meeting Minnesota's energy goals

  16. Minnesota schools conserving energy and water

  17. Cross-cultural cooperation in fish and wildlife conservation

  18. Minnesota Junior Master naturalist program

  19. Eagles linking students to science and nature

  20. Community-based reduction of water contaminants

  21. Conservation Corps training and low-income solar home heating installation

  22. Canada lynx recovery options