Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

It's hot. For farmworkers without federal heat protections, it could be life or death
Amid extreme heat, there are few federal protections for workers during hot temperatures. The Biden administration wants to change that but the rule making process is long and the heat won't wait.
Against all odds, the rare Devils Hole pupfish keeps on swimming
The Devils Hole pupfish's natural habitat is a single water-filled hole in a cave in the Nevada desert. Its numbers at one point dwindled to just 35 animals. How does it manage to survive?
'Forever chemicals' could be in nearly half of U.S. tap water, a federal study finds
A new government study estimates that at least 45 percent of the nation's tap water could be contaminated with one or more forms of PFAS. Here's what to do if you're worried about what's in your faucet.