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Montana youths win case against the state for climate change harms

Students sit in courtroom
Four of the 16 youth plaintiffs listen to arguments during a hearing in May in Helena, Mont. This past week, they won the case they filed against the state arguing Montana officials are not meeting their constitutional obligations to protect residents from climate change.
Thom Bridge | Independent Record via AP

A legal victory this week for 16 young people who sued the state of Montana over their right to a “clean and healthful environment,” as laid out in the state constitution.

The plaintiffs argued that the way Montana greenlights fossil fuel projects violates that right — and the judge agreed. It was a first-of-its-kind trial and a first-of-its-kind win.

So, what’s next?

Amanda Eggert is a reporter with the Montana Free Press and she broke down the ruling for this week’s Climate Cast.

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