Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Winter blues: No snow, thin ice and warm temps are messing with winter recreation
The warmer than usual winter has dampened the spirits of people who ski, ice fish and snow mobile. MPR News Angela Davis talks about how a lack of snow and rising temperatures are affecting winter recreation, businesses and our mood.    
Do your kids want a dog? Science may be on their side
Kids who have dogs get significantly more physical activity, compared to kids who don't. Researchers followed 600 children over three years, and found young girls got the biggest exercise boost.
Solar fence stops snow and generates electricity
Minnesota uses miles of snow fences to catch blowing snow before it drifts onto roadways in a typical winter. At a one-of-a-kind test site near Moorhead, researchers are finding a year-round use for the snow fence.
Report pushes for more EPA regulations of carbon capture projects
As more places, including ours, pursue carbon capture projects, what rules and monitoring mechanisms need to be in place to make sure things work as intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Warm weather forces park officials to suspend Isle Royale wolf count for first time in decades
The National Park Service suspended the count Tuesday out of concerns that warm weather has left the ice surrounding the island unsafe for the ski-planes the researchers use in their surveys. Regional temperatures have been above freezing for the last week.
How mapping 'heat islands' can help cities prepare for extreme heat
Oklahoma City and several other cities last year worked with NOAA to map neighborhoods to find out how heat impacts neighborhoods. The data can help cities prepare and adapt to a warmer world.