Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Think you're tired? This animal goes for months with only two hours of sleep a day
Scientists have learned that northern elephant seals — massive creatures found along the Pacific Coast of North America — cobble together a couple hours of sleep using underwater power naps.
Loons fall from the sky in Wisconsin; late April cold snap to blame
A mix of cold air and moisture in the Upper Midwest is causing ice to form on the wings of some loons in flight, leading to crash landings known as “loon fallout.” While it hasn’t been reported in Minnesota, conditions for the state bird could be treacherous this weekend.
The Prairie Chicken Society: Celebrating and protecting a prairie icon
The Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society celebrates 50 years of working to protect the iconic prairie species. Once abundant, the prairie chicken is now mostly found in a small area of western Minnesota.
Minnesota House votes to ban recreational wolf hunting
After a lively and sometimes contentious debate, the Minnesota House this week passed a bill banning recreational hunting and trapping of wolves should they be removed from federal protection. Action is still needed in the Senate for the bill to become law.
Como Zoo cougar is navigating a new world — without eyes 
A cougar at the St. Paul zoo lost his eyesight due to a genetic condition. To prevent further pain and irritation, zookeepers decided to remove his eyes. They say he’s successfully navigating his habitat — and serving as an animal ambassador in new ways.
Minnesota's solar garden program ranks second in the nation, but some say it could do more
Minnesota’s community solar garden program generated 62 percent of the state’s solar power in 2021. And it’s the second largest such program in the nation. But below the surface, consumer advocates say there’s a gap that needs to be addressed.
A lost dog treks 150 miles across Alaskan sea ice before he's reunited with his family
Nanuq, a 1-year-old Australian shepherd, went missing last month while his family was visiting relatives. Except for a swollen leg, with bite marks from a seal or polar bear, Nanuq was in good health.