Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Bringing back ‘bio supermarkets’: Program helps landowners restore vanished wetlands
Wetlands help prevent flooding, filter nutrient pollution, store carbon and provide wildlife habitat. But many have disappeared due to draining and filling. A partnership between the federal government and a nonprofit is helping willing private landowners restore wetlands in the Upper Mississippi headwaters.
East Phillips group gets 1-year extension to buy Roof Depot site
A neighborhood organization planning to purchase the Minneapolis Roof Depot site now has an extra year to come up with the funds, after hitting road blocks in finding the money. The City Council passed a measure Thursday extending the deadline from next week to September 2025.
Volunteers help save rare plants across Minnesota
Minnesota has more than 300 rare native plant species. In many locations, plants were last documented decades ago. A new program is using volunteers to help search for the plants and collect seeds to preserve genetic material.
A photographer captures life in America’s last remaining old-growth forests
From salamanders and salmon to bears and mountain lions, David Herasimtschuk’s images illustrate not only the beauty of the forests and their creatures but the symbiotic relationships that are vital to the forests’ health and the planet’s welfare.
 Wildlife stranded from severe weather are turning up in storm debris
The Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is seeing an uptick in the number of injured or stranded animals being dropped off during the aftermath of severe weather, especially for baby squirrels and migratory songbirds.