On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Fear, The Big Bang Theory and the flaw in STEM

Adjuncts, Class, and Fear Many adjuncts feel paralyzed by a deeper, unspoken fear, one that is primarily internal and fraught with complexities that Working-Class Studies can help illuminate and overcome.  This fear stems from the tension, well-documented and long-discussed, between adjuncts’ nominal professional status and the actual workplace conditions that place us in the category of the working class. (Working-Class Perspectives)

The Man Who Gets The Science Right On 'The Big Bang Theory' Sure, Bob Newhart may have won his first Emmy for guest-starring as Professor Proton on the hugely popular show The Big Bang Theory, about four young scientists at Caltech. But behind the scenes is a real-life professor, David Saltzberg of UCLA. (NPR)

50 maxims for market entrants Christopher Bigsby offers some words of advice. (Times Higher Education)

There’s an embarrassing flaw in STEM, the hottest school trend In Virginia, the first-year earnings for a bachelor’s degree graduate in biology will average $25,347, while a bachelor’s in business administration and management will make $35,565. (The Washington Post)

U.S. to Contact Borrowers With New Options for Repaying Student Loans Starting next month, the Education Department will send e-mails explaining relief plans to borrowers who seem most vulnerable. (The New York Times)