On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Muslims, Wikipedia and the free public university

Universities look for new ways to rank themselves Even some universities and colleges themselves — reasoning that it’s better to come up with their own ratings than have them imposed by someone else — are quietly working on new ways to gauge what graduates learn and earn, though many remain reluctant so far to make the results public. (The Hechinger Report)

Despite gains, many Muslim students still struggle for acceptance One of the struggles Muslim students face are the guidelines of their religion, which can be at odds with the college culture. (USA Today)

In Praise of the Shabby, Free, Public University The education unit of the American Enterprise Institute has decided to push back against the idea of free public colleges. (Washington Monthly)

Editing Wikipedia Pages for Med School Credit Students from the University of California, San Francisco, will be able to share their knowledge with the public and do research that has a life beyond the classroom. (The New York Times)

Obama administration set to launch new student loan information outreach The Department of Education is launching a new initiative this fall to make struggling student borrowers aware of the various federal repayment and forgiveness programs available to them. (USA Today)