On Campus Blog

Edu-swag at the State Fair
MPR/Alex Friedrich Come and get it at St. Thomas At the State Fair they’ll line up for anything. Make any ol’ doohickey, slap a college logo on it and they’ll stand around for half an hour till the line stretches out the door. Because it’s Minnesota edu-swag: bandannas, tote bags (“tohht baygs”) and lanyards. MPR/Alex…
Midmorning chat: Students study less
  bjosefowicz via Flickr Yeah, I bet that’ll build your critical thinking Check out the Midmorning page and listen to the audio of a chat with Philip Babcock of the University of California Santa Barbara and Jen Day Shaw of the University of Florida. Students are studying far less than they did decades ago, and that…
As a counterpart piece to the previous post for professors, “How to Avoid Being a Jerk in the Classroom,” I’m including the other side — something that a professor might say to a student. Its essence: Act like a grownup, and I’ll treat you like one. I had the link in a previous Notes in the Margins,…
Hey, profs: How not to be a jerk in class
Earlham College via Flickr Great lectures include showing up on time It’s all about simple reciprocity, writes English professor Billie Hara in the Chronicle of Higher Education. “Did your professors make you suffer through boorish behaviors? There’s no reason to continue that tradition,” she writes. (Sounds like she’s trying to break the hazing mentality.) Remember,…
“Caveat emptor” at Colbert University: Humorist Stephen Colbert and Queens College Professor Andrew Hacker skewer for-profit universities and online education — and take a few shots at higher ed as well. “Shock and awe”: The University of St. Thomas will be opening its new athletic complex next week. Admins are the enemy: The blog Critical Mass quotes…
Lake Superior College Hovering for information Community colleges — long the choice of commuter students, part-timers and cash-strapped teens living with their parents — usually haven’t needed to roll out the welcome mat for Mom & Dad. But that’s changing. In an unusual move, several two-year institutions in Minnesota have started parent orientations in the past few…
  Jayel Aheram via Flickr You can always play in a back lot   You want football? Then pay for it yourself. It’s a tough message coming from Saint Cloud State University, where officials and student leaders are considering a referendum to see whether students would pay money — possibly $2 per credit — to save sports…
MPR’s Tim Post reports that this year the University of Minnesota has hired just 60 professors — half the number recruited two years ago. But university officials say they think the fierce competition in this tight job market has a payoff for the U: “This is very much the top of the heap,” said Carney. “I think…
A little hospitality: American colleges are trying harder to integrate foreign students into campus life. So that’s what a free market is: MSU Mankato no longer requires students in the College of Business to buy a specially configured Dell laptop. For-profits rocketing: The Education Department reports that for-profit colleges increased enrollment 20 percent between the 2007-8 and 2008-9 academic years —…
After his presidency ends at the end of June 2011, University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks will join the faculty of the U’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, university officials announced today. Bruininks will be affiliated with the Center for Integrative Leadership, an interdisciplinary center run by the Humphrey Institute and the Carlson School of…