On Campus Blog

Univ. of Minn. prez to join Humphrey Inst.

After his presidency ends at the end of June 2011, University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks will join the faculty of the U's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, university officials announced today.

Bruininks will be affiliated with the Center for Integrative Leadership, an interdisciplinary center run by the Humphrey Institute and the Carlson School of Management. His work will focus on "transformative public leadership" and "human capital and economic development.”

It was unclear just what that means or exactly how it fits into his past professional life, but the press release states:

... he also has a strong foundation in education policy issues. The Humphrey Institute is the perfect home for the next phase of his career.

Bruininks was once the dean and professor at the U's College of Education and Human Development.