On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: A news roundup

"Caveat emptor" at Colbert University: Humorist Stephen Colbert and Queens College Professor Andrew Hacker skewer for-profit universities and online education -- and take a few shots at higher ed as well.

"Shock and awe": The University of St. Thomas will be opening its new athletic complex next week.

Admins are the enemy: The blog Critical Mass quotes work by George Mason law professor Todd Zywicki, saying that administrative bloat is undermining the mission of many colleges and universities. From 1993 to 2007, hiring and spending on university administrators grew twice as much as that for faculty.

Wish I were there: The College of St. Scholastica has installed Web cams for the nostalgic -- or the surveillance-minded.

Jack it up: A number of states have double-digit tuition increases at their public universities. North Carolina has the largest average increase among its institutions: 16.9 percent.