On Campus Blog

A look at the Univ. of Minnesota's big new building
Stiff video, but it does the job University of Minnesota Yesterday the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities unveiled its $72.5 million Science Teaching and Student Services building, a 115,000-square-foot construction that replaces the demolished Science Classroom Building on the East Bank. University of Minnesota The new Big Man on Campus I’m not one for showcasing…
What every instructor needs to say: Act like an adult, and I’ll treat you like one, says one professor from Georgia. Up-and-comers: A list of the colleges that the Unigo college review site thinks we need to know about. More rankings guff: Some education folks have a beef with how Washington Monthly has used data to rank community…
  Unknown/Wikimedia Commons Tough to see the future for college health plans NPR reports that the federal health care overhaul might leave colleges unable to offer their traditional student health plans, which cost students less than regular plans but often provide limited benefits. The new requirements, they say, could drive up premiums and price them out of the reach…
  anolobb via Flickr Mind your Faulkner In today’s Midmorning program, Kerri Miller talked to two physicians about how some medical schools – including Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York — are taking in some students with nontraditional backgrounds. A recent Mt. Sinai study indicated that students with humanities backgrounds perform just as well…
Buyer, beware: Students have filed a class-action lawsuit against a Denver for-profit college, saying it lied to them to get their money. Law students, beware: They’re criticizing law schools, who they say exaggerate employment prospects as a way to suck students into costly degrees. Low-income students, beware: Student support services are shrinking due to lack of federal funding.…
Why St. Paul College is "Shakespeare with power tools"
MPR/Alex Friedrich Best in America Washington Monthly’smethod of ranking colleges, preferred by one New York Times economics blogger for its emphasis on graduation rates, has championed one St. Paul community college — but may have goofed the results for another. The magazine had nothing but praise for St. Paul College, which topped its list of best community colleges in America:…
What really happens on Move-in Day
Crispy Chicken via Flickr Hi, Mom When my parents and I first stepped into the elevator of Russell Hall during Move-In Day at the University of Georgia, it reeked of vomit and stale beer. That was 1984. From a glance at the police report on St. Cloud’s recent 3-day move-in period, it looks like not much has…
What NOT to look for in the next university chief
Let’s talk about student fees — not my housing costs Former University of Minnesota President Mark Yudof is upsetting colleagues at the University of California, where his housing shenanigans have cost the cash-strapped university system $600,000 over the past two years. When he recently vacated his rented house in Oakland Hills: in his haste to get…
MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill has a piece on a $10 million grant for the University of Minnesota to study climate change. Kumar said researchers will design new analytical models, based on existing climate data, rather than existing physics-based models. He said that could pave the way to more detailed predictions.