On Campus Blog

MPR’s Tim post has this piece on the U’s dropping of its lawsuit over Central Corridor plans. The crux of it: The panel … gave a green light to the Metropolitan Council’s efforts to mitigate any damage to university laboratories or equipment during construction and operation of the line.
Can the Humanities Survive the 21st Century? The shifting social mission of the university will contribute to the shrinkage of the humanities. They will have a home somewhere in 2110, but it won’t be in universities. (chronicle.com) State begins moving I-35W wreckage For many University of Minnesota students, the wreckage has been a constant sight,…
An anonymous donor has offered $25 million to the University of  St. Thomas as a matching grant — the largest such gift in the university’s history. If fully matched, the grant would bring the total of its St. Thomas’ Opening Doors capital campaign to at least $440 million, or 88 percent of the campaign’s $500…
Guessing enrollment and watching the money
While I was blogging on the first day of classes at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities campus, colleague Tim Post of MPR produced two finance-related stories. Both shed a little light on the maneuvering that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to college funding. The first was on the tough time…
Twin Cities 9th best college metro area
I wonder whether it’s a sign that the major college rankings season is over when the economics nerds do their own version. The American Institute for Economic Research, one of the oldest economic research organizations in the country, has released its annual “College Destinations Index,” which ranks the 75 best towns and cities for college…
The Anti-Parent Agenda of Colleges Programs to handle “helicopter parents” are an attempt to intimidate them into surrendering their influence to that of supposedly “superior” professional “educators” who know what’s best for our children. (HumanEvents.com) Exposed student data leaves prying eyes wide open An online MCTC directory left sensitive student data and internal documents accessible…
I’m in Prof. Brad Hokanson’s Storytelling and Narrative class in the College of Design, and the 18 freshmen with me are about to put some of their old habits behind them. They’ve come to learn how to communicate more effectively by crafting a narrative rather than just spewing facts. They’ll learn how to structure knowledge…
Politics on campus
It’s been tough getting a read on the political vibe here on campus. Brandon Madsen, a 23-year-old aspiring grad student who volunteers with Socialist Alternative, says in past years it has been tough to engage with students. (He might know. He’s been working the campus since he was a high school student in 2004.) This…
Kern Walster (from the Nice Ride booth) is a chemical engineering student who sounds as if he’s got a good head on his shoulders. But I had to laugh when he and his roommate, John Phillips, described how they showed up to the wrong class this morning. Looks like the room assignment had changed —…