On Campus Blog

[audio href="https://mediamill.cla.umn.edu/mediamill/download.php?file=80319.mp3" title="The U's Marjorie Savage on dealing with the transition"]Give your student a safety net -- but don't micromanage.[/audio]
What (high school) college counselors don't know
This from Lynn O’Shaughnessy, columnist and the author of “The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price,” as quoted in the Washington Post‘s higher-ed blog Class Struggle: “Many high school counselors know precious little about financing a college degree [and] ….. seem to be intimidated by financial…
Concordia College sets its ranking straight
In what’s probably a no-duh moment for those who know of the institution, it turns out Concordia College of Moorhead should never have been on Washington Monthly‘s list of worst College Drop-Out Factories. I remember calling Concordia spokeswoman Amy Kelly at home the evening I saw the ranking, which erroneously stated that Concordia had a…
Investment in Twin Ports’ campus structures reaches $270 million since 2000 Business North presents a list of the decade’s major construction developments at the University of Minnesota – Duluth, Lake Superior College and University of Wisconsin – Superior. (businessnorth.com) Campuses try to reduce problem of dumped furniture Some schools, such as West Virginia University, collect…
What the community college ranking means for Minnesota
I’ve been giving some ink to Saint Paul College and its topping of Washington Monthly’s list of Best Community Colleges in America. But in the haze of the endless summer rankings season, I neglected to mention the other Minnesota two-year stars on the list. With rankings season over, I realize now that they deserve more…
Four classes for your modern life
The summer before I went to grad school to study political economy, I read — cover to cover — an introductory economics textbook by Harvard professor Gregory Mankiw. Great little book. Very accessible. So I took notice when I saw the following list in The New York Times about what courses students need for life…
It has been a good summer for Saint Paul College. Last month, Atlantic Monthly ranked it the No.1 community college in America, calling it “Shakespeare With Power Tools” in a special report. Its Friends of Saint Paul College foundation started this spring and has already giving out more than $20,000 in scholarships. And today it…
Tip # 6 from “10 tips every freshman should know,” on the University of St. Thomas’ student-run organization, TommieMedia: Read the book – It may seem like a waste to read the textbook when the teacher is going to repeat it the next day. But the ability to interact is crucial. You won’t have to…