On Campus Blog

How to get around campus
In front of the student union I meet freshman roommates John Phillips and Kern Walster at the Nice Ride tent. I’m drawn to them after hearing John proclaim the bike subscription program as as both “cool” and “awesome”. Neither Twin Cities native has a car — John hasn’t even gotten around to getting his drivers…
How to spot a freshman
I’m walking out of Middlebrook looking for a place where outsiders like me can get some breakfast. I run across a rather frazzled-looking David Kosal, a computer science freshman from Apple Valley who’s wandering around with a campus map and looking confused. I check my watch. It’s 9 a.m. Guess who’s about to be late…
The most important meal
MPR/Alex Friedrich Theo (left) and Sam hit the grub So I’m able to get into the dining hall without eating. Man, this place is dead. And it’s only about 8:30 or so. Where are all the students? I spy Nate Martin and Sam Simon eating, so I figure I’ll see how their breakfast is going.…
Why I've got to eat somewhere else
The U has been less than friendly in the morning. I stop by Middlebrook Hall’s cafeteria, thinking I’d slap down a few bucks to eat with the students. Yeah, right. No walk-ins here. The woman at the information desk explains that you have to be part of a meal plan to eat there — or…
How's the first day of Univ. of Minn. classes?
Today I’ll be roaming the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities campus today to see how students are faring on their first day of classes. How’s registration? How’s class? And most important: How’s the food? If you see me, say hi — or Tweet me if anything interesting is happening in your little corner of…
Mopeds need permits at the U: After seeing an increase in mopeds and moped-related safety problems, the University of Minnesota as of Aug. 30 does not allow moped drivers to park at bicycle racks. They need permits and must park in certain areas. British official wants tighter restrictions on student visas: The largest group of visas granted…
Duluth students being housed in motel
In late July we saw how the University of St. Thomas was having to do some creative arranging to create more housing for a surplus of freshman. Now Duluth is having its share of problems in that department. The solution: The Best Western Edgewater. It’s now home to 122 students from the University of Minnesota…
Univ. of Minn. Duluth lets it all hang out
Parents of Duluth students: Have you helped move your student into the U? If not, you might want to read this. Today’s Duluth News Tribune has a real eye-opener of a front-page article — along with a slide show — about what you’ll see during the student move-in period. Check out the signs that the…
Looks like we’re getting a little talk on higher education from the major party candidates for governor. Today DFLer Mark Dayton, Independent Tom Horner and Republican Tom Emmer answered a question from debate moderator Gary Eichten of MPR at the Minnesota State Fair’s Carousel Park. Should MN shut down some of its higher education campuses?…
How St. Olaf's cyclist made his 640-mile trip
  I’ve caught up with Sam Williams, the St. Olaf freshman from Indiana who cycled with his brother for nine days and 640 miles to reach the the college’s campus in Northfield. It was the first time he’d made such a trip, though the cycling enthusiast has ridden twice with a group across the state of Indiana…