On Campus Blog

Politics on campus

It's been tough getting a read on the political vibe here on campus.

Brandon Madsen, a 23-year-old aspiring grad student who volunteers with Socialist Alternative, says in past years it has been tough to engage with students.

(He might know. He's been working the campus since he was a high school student in 2004.)

This year, though, he senses a shift.

"It's easier than other years to get people to stop and talk," he said at his stand, which held a donation jar. "Just in these few hours out here, I've had a lot more people stopping by to ask questions. I've had dozens of great conversations."

And a few hecklers.

"Isn't it funny that you socialists are relying on donations?" cackles a young woman. "Socialism relying on capitalism! I love it!"

He counters, "I think your understanding of socialism is ... a little off."

Keep working it, Brandon.

Now where are the other political groups?