On Campus Blog

Urbana’s Illini Union Hotel Cuts Rates For Students During Finals The 74-room hotel in Urbana is offering a special deal during final exams, hoping to woo stressed-out students who need to get away from their roommates and end-of-semester dormitory noise. (The Huffington Post) Thinning the Ph.D. Herd How to ease the miseries of grad school? Make sure Read more →
U of M starts building new medical center this week
Construction on a long-awaited $207 million outpatient clinic and surgery center at the University of Minnesota starts Friday. U officials have been thinking of building one for the past 20 years to take the place of the current facility, located on Delaware Street near the University of Minnesota Medical Center – Fairview on the East Read more →
While I was researching yesterday’s story on how Minnesota enrollment has returned to its pre-recession levels, the state Office of Higher Education analysts pointed me to this recent federal report. The report, released last week, shows Minnesota has had the ninth-biggest yearly enrollment drop among U.S. states and the District of Columbia since 2011 (see Read more →
Why Become a College President? They behave most days as 19th-century political ward bosses rationing funds and dispensing favors while working to manage an enterprise run by faculty operating like a medieval craft guild. A large, unwieldy, archaic volunteer governing board further confuses their job. (The Huffington Post) The Year of Higher Education Policy in Review As Read more →
Video: Metro law schools try creative methods to stem declining enrollment
Lawyers are problem-solvers, so when the number of students applying and enrolling at law schools started to decline quite dramatically in the last several years as a result of the economic downturn, the lawyers who run these schools had to figure out a way to solve the problem. The Twin Cities’ four law schools have not been immune to this nationwide issue. Since 2010, the number of law school applications has declined, and enrollment is down anywhere from 15 to 42 percent in just the last three years.
Minnesota college enrollment back to pre-recession level
Enrollment at many Minnesota colleges and universities continues to drop as the wave of students seeking education during the recession has ebbed. Preliminary figures from the state Office of Higher Education show that overall headcount is down 2.7 percent since last fall. And it’s down almost 5 percent since the first wave of students hit Read more →
Could “blue books” be coming to an end? Penn students develop paperless exam alternative While professors might be wary of allowing students to take exams on their computers — with the Internet and their notes just a click or keystroke away — the student software developers says they’ve addressed potential problems instructors may have. (USA Today) Read more →
Strauss: Are MOOCs already over? It seems like just yesterday that the country’s major universities were rushing to create courses to grab their share of the expected global market. (The Washington Post) Pay for U.S. College Presidents Continues to Grow The Chronicle of Higher Education released its latest analysis of the compensation for United States college presidents. Read more →
Black U of M students suspect racial profiling by campus police
Six African-American organizations at the University of Minnesota say a recent uptick in crime around campus has heightened concerns that police are racially profiling students and employees. They say the inclusion of suspects’ race in university crime alerts has been problematic. Although the criminals apprehended have not been connected to the U — and have Read more →
Sponsored research funding for the University of Minnesota declined 7.5 percent last year, according to a university report that regents are scheduled to discuss today. The $56 million drop, to $693 million, was driven in part by the phaseout of federal stimulus money. U officials say the decline was also due to the lingering effects of Read more →