On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Israel, blue books, and a borrower’s Bill of Rights

Could “blue books” be coming to an end? Penn students develop paperless exam alternative While professors might be wary of allowing students to take exams on their computers — with the Internet and their notes just a click or keystroke away — the student software developers says they’ve addressed potential problems instructors may have. (USA Today)

U.S. academic group votes to boycott Israeli universities Academic institutions generally promote the free expression of idea and unfettered cooperation among scholars and schools. But the membership of the American Studies Association, the nation’s oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history, has voted to back an academic boycott of Israeli universities. (The Washington Post)

Catholic educators in war of words over $1 million Koch gift to university A tough letter, signed by 50 Catholic educators from across the country, says Catholic University should not have accepted a $1 million gift from the the right-wing Koch Brothers because they support “anti-government, Tea Party ideology” that “directly contradict Catholic teaching on a range of moral issues,” and that outsiders may think the school agrees with the Kochs. (The Washington Post)

Top Students at Community Colleges to Have Chance to Raise Ambitions A coalition of colleges will seek to create honors programs with competitive admissions, demanding academics and intensive guidance for highly talented students. (The New York Times)

Unpacking the Proposed Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights At its core, the prosposed law focuses on more disclosure, more emphasis on repayment plans, and more direct control over how servicers must apply payments to minimize what a borrower owes. (Bloomberg Businessweek via NAICU)