On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Walmart, recession grads and Eastern Europe

Strauss: Are MOOCs already over? It seems like just yesterday that the country’s major universities were rushing to create courses to grab their share of the expected global market. (The Washington Post)

Pay for U.S. College Presidents Continues to Grow The Chronicle of Higher Education released its latest analysis of the compensation for United States college presidents. (The New York Times)

Would the Ivy League welcome a Walmart? Ivy League students overwhelmingly oppose idea of retail giant opening at their schools. (USA Today)

A Testing Time for Private Schools in Eastern Europe Many colleges across the region could close over the next several years, education experts warn. In Poland, some predictions suggest that up to 75 percent of private universities may close while in Ukraine, home to more than 100 private institutions, that number may drop 80 percent. (The New York Times)

Recession Graduates Have Greater Job Satisfaction When people start their jobs in good financial times, they tend to question their career choices and advancements. On the other hand, recession graduates are more than happy to have found a job and are less likely to ponder over alternate paths. (UniversityHerald via University Business)