On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Fake jobs, college presidents and strained ideals

Why Become a College President? They behave most days as 19th-century political ward bosses rationing funds and dispensing favors while working to manage an enterprise run by faculty operating like a medieval craft guild. A large, unwieldy, archaic volunteer governing board further confuses their job. (The Huffington Post)

The Year of Higher Education Policy in Review As 2013 draws to a close, it’s time to take a look back at some of the biggest happenings (or non-happenings) of the year. (Washington Monthly)

U.S. Colleges Finding Ideals Tested Abroad Universities with programs in countries with autocratic governments are wrestling with how to respond to actions that fly in the face of democratic principles. (The New York Times)

How A For-Profit College Created Fake Jobs To Get Taxpayer Money Everest College's $2,000-per-head "subsidy" program in Decatur, Ga., stands among an array of tactics used for years by the institution's parent company, Corinthian Colleges Inc., to systematically pad its job placement rates, according to a review of contract documents and lawsuits and interviews with former employees. (The Huffington Post)

2,500 Applicants Get False News of Acceptance to Fordham The early admission applicants received financial aid notices that mistakenly told them they were admitted to the class of 2018, the university said. (The New York Times)