On Campus Blog

Bill Clinton Pitches KKR-Backed College Chain Amid Controversy Laureate has thrived by exporting many of the practices that for-profit colleges adopted in the U.S., such as offering career-oriented courses and spending heavily on marketing. Such strategies helped build what was a booming industry until 2010, when recruiting abuses and mounting student debt spurred a regulatory crackdown Read more →
Winona State University offers early retirement to employees
Winona State University is offering early retirement to more than 250 employees in an attempt to cut its budget. Chief Financial Officer Scott Ellinghuysen says the university needs to trim a projected $1.5 million — or about one to two percent of its spending. University officials have not set any target for the number of Read more →
From the U — just a little update on its public-safety conversation with city leaders: University of Minnesota students and leaders discuss public safety with Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges – Mayor spent time on Twin Cities campus today as part of her ‘One Minneapolis’ tour – As the University of Minnesota Twin Cities continues its Read more →
How MSU-Moorhead students learn about the music industry
MPR News’ Dan Gunderson writes about the hands-on nature of Minnesota State University-Moorhead‘s Music Industry and Entertainment Studies program: For students in the program, the assignments are a little unusual: search for local music talent, record and produce a new CD and manage the release for student-run Undeclared Records. “The record company is meant to Read more →
Can’t Get Tenure? Then Get a Real Job The fundamental issue in the academic job market is not that administrators are cheap and greedy, or that adjuncts lack a union. It’s that there are many more people who want to be research professors than there are jobs for them. And since all those people have invested Read more →
How Carleton College is handling the cold — with classes
In researching my list of Minnesota college campuses that are closed today because of the deep freeze, I noticed that Carleton College was going ahead with its first day of the session. On Twitter it sent out the photo above with the remark: Yes, it’s cold. Yes, we’re holding classes. I asked campus spokesman Eric Read more →
Minnesota college campuses that are closed today
Here’s a list of the Minnesota campuses that have reported to me — or to a central office — that they’re closing because of the extreme cold. (Note: I’ll be updating as more news comes in. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything.) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU): Dakota County Technical College (Rosemount) Read more →
For inspiration today, college admissions folks should read a little piece by the Minnesota Private College Council: “Oh baby, it’s cold outside.” In the December article on the council’s website, several private-college admissions admissions officers talk about how they handle the topic of Minnesota winters when they’re recruiting students. It’s not a subject to overlook. Read more →
Square Feet: Where 600 College Students Live Above the Store College dormitories are booming in Manhattan, often built in partnership with development companies that leave the street-level space for commercial use. (The New York Times) Examining the GED Most test-takers hope the GED will lead to a better job or more education. But critics say the GED encourages some Read more →
Are campuses really as diverse as they depict themselves?
Augsburg College sociology professor Tim Pippert tells National Public Radio how colleges and universities try to shape how prospective students see diversity on their campuses. More specifically, in 2011 he and his research team — which included students Laura Essenburg (see video above) and Edward Jay Matchett — found that the whiter the school, the Read more →