On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Bill Clinton, black athletes and Ivy League quitters

Bill Clinton Pitches KKR-Backed College Chain Amid Controversy Laureate has thrived by exporting many of the practices that for-profit colleges adopted in the U.S., such as offering career-oriented courses and spending heavily on marketing. Such strategies helped build what was a booming industry until 2010, when recruiting abuses and mounting student debt spurred a regulatory crackdown by President Barack Obama’s administration. (Bloomberg)

Black athletes must pick up the ball on graduation rates Black students are apparently good enough for the playing fields but not the laboratories. (The Hechinger Report)

British 'debt-free' degree plan could benefit 50,000 workers a year Plans to allow 50,000 would-be graduates a year to acquire "debt-free" honours degrees, part-funded by their employers, are being considered by the Labour Party in order to tailor university education more closely to the needs of business and young people. (The Guardian)

Most College Presidents, Coaches And Other Leaders Are White Men, Study Confirms Study author Richard Lapchick called those numbers "unacceptable" and said part of the problem with getting more diversity throughout the system falls on the lack of penalties or sanctions for institutions that aren't more diverse. (The Huffington Post)

Ivy League Quitters: The Costs of Being an Ivy Athlete Classes are supposed to be prioritized at highly academic universities, but a large percentage of coaches do not seem to support this philosophy, as they make practices mandatory no matter how many exams an athlete has in the morning. (The Huffington Post)